Welcome to ArcticPhloss

On this tour we are in search of lights!

While we are based in London for Christmas (and the Boxing Day sales) we are off to the city of lights, beautiful Paris for New Years Eve and later in the tour we venture off to Tromso, Norway in search of the northern lights (or 'aurora borealis' to be more scientific) inside the Arctic Circle.

Thanks for joining us.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tromso to London

11 January 2012

Spent our last couple of hours in Tromso wandering through the town and the portside area before heading to the airport for our flight back to London via Oslo.

Arrived back in London around 9.30pm - still plenty of time to get in some night life! Headed to Islington to the Hope and Anchor - a great pub which is also a live music venue on the weekends (in the 80's it hosted bands like Madness and The Stranglers). No bands on tonight but we still enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.

The Hope and Anchor is right across the road from Islington Town Hall where we were married. We took our obligatory photo outside the hall as we do each time we visit London. Each year we're looking older but the hall always seems to look the same!

12 January 2012

Enjoyed brunch on the eighth floor of the Oxo tower. The restaurant has a wonderful view over London and the food is absolutely beautiful.

Walked off our food with a stroll along the south bank and then back across the Thames to spend a few hours at the National Gallery.

Had a great night at the Arcola Theatre, one of our favourite 'off West End' venues. Tonight's performance was quite a dark play - 'Count Oederland' written by Swiss playwright Max Frisch. Once again, the Arcola didn't disappoint - a very good performance.

The Arcola Theatre is in Dalston which is very close to Islington. We couldn't help ourselves and ended up back at the Hope and Anchor for a night cap!

13 January 2012

Our last full day! Spent the morning walking for hours through Islington - exploring streets and areas we'd never visited before.

The afternoon had always been reserved for some last minute shopping - would hate to get on that plane lamenting a missed purchase!

Our last evening was spent with our friends Tim and Stephen. Firstly, dinner at our Michelin star restaurant! They had never been and we were very, very happy to go again. Next, we headed to the West End for a performance of Gershwin's 'Crazy for You'. Oh to have just a tiny bit of the talent of those performers - very entertaining. Finished off the evening at a nearby pub. A perfect night.

14 January 2012

As our flight home didn't leave until late afternoon, we had a few hours spare in the morning. Had brunch at Sticky Fingers cafe in Kensington, which is owned by Bill Wyman from the Rolling Stones. It's a fun place with a great atmosphere and so much to look at - guitars, gold and platinum records and heaps of posters and other memorabilia line the walls. And the food was excellent, too!

Still some time to spare and - as we were in the neighbourhood - enough time left for one final drink at the Harvey Nichols champagne bar. And of course, when you're in Harvey Nichols, some shopping! Well - we didn't really have time for shopping but... shopping was done anyway. In fact, Louise spent so much time in the change rooms and made us so late that it was an absolute sprint to Gatwick for our plane home!

Made the flight with seconds to spare - but who needs to queue at check-in counters anyway??

And so - a 27 hour journey ahead of us. Plenty of time to reflect on a fabulous journey... and to plan the next one!

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